Conference Schedule

Conference programming will be held at Meyerson Hall
(210 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104)

Thursday, October 3rd - Day 1

6:00 – 9:00 PM Welcome Art Reception - Beyond the Veil (Meyerson Hall, Lower Gallery)

Friday, October 4th - Day 2

Full Day Overview

7:30 - 8:30 AM | Registration & Badge Pickup 

8:30 - 8:45 AM | Welcome Introduction to PhilaDelic

8:45 - 9:45 AM | Keynote Speaker - Christof Koch, PhD

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Seminars & Panel Discussions

12:20 - 1:25 PM | Lightning Talks 

1:25 - 3:00 PM | Lunch Break

3:00 - 5:00 PM | Seminars & Panel Discussions

5:15 - 6:00 PM | Plenary Talks 

6:00 - 6:10 PM | Closing Remarks

6 - 8 PM | (Unofficial) PhilaDelix Mixer - Prestige Cafe

6:30 - 8:30 PM | Healing Circle with Hapeh Medicine - Cobbs Creek Park 

Track A | Lower Gallery

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Therapeutic Facilitation & Integration

  • Swimming in the Sacred - Wisdom from the Psychedelic Underground

    Based on her book by the same title, Dr. Harris will report on interviews with fifteen women elders who have been guiding underground journeys for at least twenty years and some for thirty or more. The interviews were personal and extensive, exploring themes rather than how-to instructions—presence, commitment to self-healing, apprenticeship, medicines as on-going process, relationship with medicines, clearing energy, self-responsibility. The women make careful distinctions between personal history and numinous experience. They live in both this world and an unseen world where time is not linear, intuition is paramount and intention is everything. These women are not psychedelic therapists and although some are indigenously trained, they are best described as priestesses in the model of the Eleusinian Mysteries. These elder guides represent an alternative way of being with entheogens, distinct from the medical research model. Their roots predate the current psychedelic renaissance and reach back into the original protocols still used today. These women are a rare source of insight and experience that the new trove of psychedelic therapists and researchers would be wise to consider.

  • Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy with BIPOC and Queer Clients

    In 2021, Aisha Mohammed, LMFT and Jennifer C. Jones, PhD, LCSW created the Rising Caps Collective to support people through expansive healing to address traumatic legacies of colonization, slavery and capitalism. Aisha ans Jennifer propose to discuss how the Rising Caps Collective approaches psychedelic-assisted therapy work using harm reduction and Gestalt principles as well as Internal Family Systems (IFS) techniques. We will provide a brief history of how we established a collaborative healing practice together which predominantly centers people who identify as BIPOC, nonbinary, transgender and/or queer. We will then discuss the ways that we have incorporated harm reduction and Gestalt principles as well as IFS techniques into our work, which focuses on healing relational, existential, spiritual and intergenerational pain, especially in the context of capitalism, imperialism, colonialism and the War on Drugs. In the course of our discussion, we will touch on the impact of social location on the work, the ways we build community and the ways we strive to make our work accessible for people who have historically not been able to access this type of healing.

  • How to Develop Good Practices in the Ceremonial Use of Psychedelics: Facilitation, Integration and Counter Coloniality.

    Facilitating and integrating the use of psychedelics in a ceremonial context is a great responsibility and involves a relatively complex set of procedures and activities.
    There are several relevant social, cultural, scientific and safety aspects to consider in order to build a safe container and hold meaningful ceremonies for participants with different social and individual trajectories.
    Risks in organizing and conducting rituals must also be considered, along with the challenges of assisting people in the integration of their experiences.
    This presentation will list and explore these aspects and discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating and facilitating the use of psychedelics in a ceremonial context.
    From a decolonial theoretical base, the presentation encourage people to reflect on ethical issues, harm reduction, limitations of Western models of offering ceremonies, differences between psychedelic assisted therapy and traditional systems of healing, and the potential of a careful, well-grounded look at the topic.

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Panel Discussion

12:20PM - 1:25PM | Lightning Talks

3:00 - 5:00 PM | Psychiatric Applications: Psychedelics for Substance Use Disorders

  • Prospective associations of psychedelic treatment for co-occurring alcohol misuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms among United States Special Operations Forces Veterans

    This study evaluated prospective associations of ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT treatment for risky alcohol use and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among United States (US) Special Operations Forces Veterans (SOFV). Data were collected during standard clinical operations at pre-treatment and 1-month (1 m), 3-months (3 m), and 6-months (6 m) post-treatment in an ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT treatment program in Mexico. Of the 86 SOFV that completed treatment, 45 met criteria for risky alcohol use at pre-treatment (mean age = 44; male = 100%; White = 91%). There was a significant reduction in alcohol use from pre-treatment (M = 7.2, SD = 2.3) to 1 m (M = 3.6; SD = 3.5) posttreatment, which remained reduced through 6 m (M = 4.0; SD = 2.9; p < .001, partial eta squared = .617). At 1 m, 24% were abstinent, 33% were non-risky drinking, and 42% were risky drinkers. At 6 m, 16% were abstinent, 31% were non-risky drinking, and 53% were risky drinkers. There were no differences between responders (abstinent/non-risky drinkers) and non-responders (risky
    drinkers) in demographics/clinical characteristics. However, there were significant and very large differences between responders and non-responders in PTSD symptom (p < .01, d = −3.26) and cognitive functioning change (p < .01, d = −0.99). Given these findings, future clinical trials should determine whether psychedelic-assisted therapy holds promise for individuals with complex trauma and alcohol misuse who have not been successfully treated with traditional interventions.

  • Psychedelic Therapy for Substance Use Disorders: Evidence Base & Gaps

    In the first wave of research with serotonergic psychedelics during the 1950s to 1970s that included over 40,000 research participants, substance use disorders (SUDs) were the most studied clinical indication. During this era, several thousand patients with severe alcohol use disorder (AUD) were treated in clinical settings in North America with LSD therapy. In addition, 5 randomized controlled trials were conducted with single-dose LSD therapy that combined suggested safety and efficacy of LSD therapy for AUD. During this first era of psychedelic research, smaller trials were conducted of LSD therapy for opioid use disorder (OUD) with some promising signals for efficacy. In the modern re-emergence of clinical research with the serotonergic psychedelics over the last 25 years, SUDs have emerged as one of the most promising areas of inquiry. Pilot open-label data suggest promise of psilocybin-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy for tobacco use disorders and more extensive pilot and RCT data suggest safety and efficacy of psilocybin-assisted motivational interviewing to treat AUD.  This talk will review the historical and current evidence base and gaps in the use of serotonergic psychedelic-assisted therapy to treat SUDs.

  • Psilocybin in Alcohol Use Disorder

    Introduction Psilocybin has demonstrated promise in reducing alcohol and tobacco use among individuals with addiction. However, its potential to prevent relapse or reduce alcohol consumption in patients post withdrawal treatment remains unstudied. Moreover, there is a lack of comprehensive mechanistic investigations within clinical populations. Methods We conducted a double-blind, randomized clinical trial involving 37 patients with alcohol use disorder who stopped drinking alcohol prior to study inclusion. Subjects received a single dose of psilocybin (25mg) or a placebo, complemented by six therapeutic sessions and various mechanistic assessments, including fMRI and questionnaires. Results We observed no significant difference between the psilocybin and placebo groups in terms of alcohol use or abstinence rates four weeks post-administration. Discussion Our results did not reveal significant differences in alcohol-related outcomes between psilocybin and placebo groups, suggesting that psilocybin-assisted therapy may be effective in decreasing use in active users but not in preventing relapse. That said, the mechanistic insights gained in a clinical population remain valuable for advancing our understanding of psilocybin's therapeutic potential. Further research is warranted to elucidate the precise role of psilocybin-assisted therapy in alcohol use disorder treatment.

5:15 - 6:00 PM | Plenary Talk: Andres Gomez Emilsson

Track B | B01 Auditorium 

8:30 - 8:45 AM | Welcome Introduction to PhilaDelic

  • Consciousness, Integrated Information Theory, and the Brain

    Any scientific theory of consciousness, here meant as any experience – feeling-like-something, seeing, smelling, thinking, fearing, dreaming – needs to not only explain the relationship between any one experience and its substrate, the neural correlate of consciousness, but also why different experiences feel the way they do – why space feels spatially extended, why time flows and why colors feel different from an infected tooth or the taste of Nutella. Most contemporary theories of consciousness are based on computational functionalism. Integrated Information Theory takes a purely operational approach rooted in causal power. IIT argues that the neuronal correlates of consciousness, the maximum of intrinsic cause-effect power, are the posterior hot zone, and that certain types of meditative or psychedelic experiences may go together with a “silent” cortex. I will discuss progress achieved in locating the footprints of such experiences to the posterior part of the cerebral cortex, in reliably detecting the presence of covert consciousness in patients with Disorder of Consciousness, and insights derived from resurgent psychedelic research.

  • Psilocybin in Clinical Depression: Demand Dynamics and Cost-Effectiveness Insights

    This presentation will focus on two complementary studies aimed at assessing the feasibility of psilocybin-assisted therapy (PAT) in clinical practice. First, we will summarize the findings from a recently-published study that examines the demand for PAT in clinical settings highlighting estimates of the prevalence of major depression and the portion of that prevalent population that might be eligible for psilocybin-assisted therapy. Second, we will present an overview of an economic evaluation that is currently under review which examines the cost-effectiveness of single-dose PAT for as a therapy for treatment-resistant depression. This analysis compares psilocybin treatment to standard care, taking into account both direct medical care costs and limited indirect costs. Outcomes we evaluated include PAT cost, clinical benefits, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), and healthcare resource utilization. Preliminary results suggest that psilocybin-assisted therapy offers a cost-effective alternative to existing treatments for patients with treatment-resistant depression. These studies underscore the potential importance of psilocybin in mental health care, from both demand and cost-effectiveness perspectives. These findings may be a particular interest to policy actors and third-party payers in both the public and private sectors as they evaluate the potential for psychedelic therapies to address the need for new and effective mental health treatments in the United States.

  • Psychedelics, Access & Insurance

    Join us for an insightful presentation that addresses the pressing mental health crisis affecting countless individuals today. With rising rates of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and addiction—many of which are treatment-resistant—there is an urgent need for psychedelic-assisted therapies (PAT) and comprehensive insurance coverage. Unfortunately, many existing treatment options remain inaccessible due to a lack of insurance support and the stigma surrounding innovative therapies. In our discussion, we will explore the unique benefits of integrating PAT into employee health plans, emphasizing its value to both individuals and organizations committed to member well-being. Learn how Enthea, a health benefits administrator of PAT, is paving the way for greater access through an employee benefits solution allowing organizations to implement insurance coverage for these critical therapies, ensuring equitable access for their employees. Their unique model includes a national network of credentialed providers, personalized care pathways, clinical oversight and evidence-based practices. Together, we can explore solutions that bridge the gap in mental health coverage by facilitating access to PAT through innovative insurance models.

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Industry & Finance 

3:00 - 5:00 PM | Non-Psychiatric Applications: Neurodegeneration & Neurotrauma

  • Ibogaine treatment for traumatic brain injury in Special Forces Veterans

    The signature injury of recent military conflicts is traumatic brain injury (TBI), most often related to blasts. US military Special Forces are deployed more frequently and to a greater intensity of combat than conventional military forces. This increases their exposure to blasts and combat-related sequelae, including multiple TBIs and trauma. Special Forces Veterans (SOV) report not only cognitive difficulties, but also Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, depression, anxiety, and substance dependence, all of which can increase the risk of suicide and affect day-to-day functioning and relationships. Conventional treatments are either not well-accessed or not demonstrating strong efficacy in this population. Many are turning to other treatments in hopes of relief, including crossing borders to seek psychedelic therapy in countries where such treatments may be accessed legally. We followed 30 SOV who had independently arranged for ibogaine therapy at a clinic in Mexico prior to enrolling in the study. All participants were rigorously screened and evaluated. Comparison of pre-and post-treatment measures demonstrated striking and significant benefits in terms of cognitive and emotional functioning, as well as other durable changes.

  • Psilocybin therapy for depression in Parkinson's disease

    Depression is highly prevalent among people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and a main predictor of functional decline. Psilocybin has shown promise for treating depression, but no clinical trials of psychedelic therapy have enrolled people with PD or any neurodegenerative disease. We conducted an open-label pilot study to examine the safety and tolerability of this treatment. Twelve people with PD received two doses of synthetic psilocybin (10 mg followed by 25 mg) in conjunction with psychotherapeutic support. We observed no serious adverse events and no concerning cardiovascular changes, worsening of psychosis, or negative effects on cognitive performance. Both non-motor and motor symptoms of PD improved post-treatment. Depression also improved post-treatment, and effects were sustained to three months following drug exposure. Together, these results suggest that randomized clinical trials to rigorously examine the effects of psilocybin therapy in PD are warranted.

  • Healing Heroines: Strategies for Psychedelic Support for Veterans and Their Families

    Women veterans and the families of those who served often face unique challenges that are often overlooked in conventional therapeutic models. From the lingering impacts of trauma and PTSD to the demands of reintegration into civilian life, these heroines bear a significant burden that requires innovative approaches to healing. This presentation focuses on the emerging field of psychedelic-assisted therapy as a transformative strategy for supporting women veterans and their families.

    We will explore the latest research on the use of psychedelics, such as MDMA, psilocybin, and ayahuasca, in treating the complex mental health issues faced by female veterans. This presentation will demonstrate how these therapies can effectively address trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering new hope where traditional treatments may have failed.

    In addition to individual therapy, we will discuss the importance of creating community-based support networks that are sensitive to the specific needs of women veterans and their families. This includes examining programs that integrate psychedelic therapy with peer support, family counseling, and holistic care, ensuring that the healing process is comprehensive and sustainable.

    The presentation will also provide practical strategies for implementing psychedelic support systems tailored to the unique experiences of women veterans and their families.

    Join us to explore how we can empower these healing heroines through innovative psychedelic therapies and community-driven support, creating a stronger, more resilient future for those who have served and their loved ones.

  • Speaking with Hope Project/Heroic Hearts

    A panel discussion about personal experiences and stories.

6:00 - 6:10 PM | Closing Remarks 

Saturday, October 5th - Day 3

Full Day Overview

8:30 - 9:30 AM | Registration & Badge Pickup 

9:30 - 9:45 AM | Opening Remarks 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Seminars & Panel Discussions

12:20 - 1:25 PM | Poster Presentations

1:30 - 3:00 PM | Lunch Break

3:00 - 5:00 PM | Seminars & Panel Discussions

5:15 - 6:00 PM | Plenary Talks 

6:00 - 6:10 PM | Closing Remarks 

Track A | Lower Gallery 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Serotonergic Psychedelics: Multi-Scale Mechanisms of Action

  • Altered states of consciousness: Neural mechanisms and clinical implications

    While altered states of consciousness exhibit promising therapeutic potential, their underlying mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. To contribute to our understanding, we explored the neural-behavioral correlates of psychedelics, hypnosis, and meditation. Additionally, I will present findings from our randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigating the effects of psilocybin as relapse prevention in patients with alcohol use disorder.

  • Menstrual effects of classic psychedelics and other considerations for reproductive health

    This talk will explore the effects of classic psychedelics on menstrual functioning, drawing from case reports that document changes such as improvements in menstrual regularity and instances of amenorrhea reversal. Additional reproductive health considerations will be discussed, highlighting areas in need of further research.

  • Psilocybin desynchronizes the human brain

    A single dose of psilocybin, a psychedelic that acutely causes distortions of space–time perception and ego dissolution, produces rapid and persistent therapeutic effects in human clinical trials. In animal models, psilocybin induces neuroplasticity in cortex and hippocampus. It remains unclear how human brain network changes relate to subjective and lasting effects of psychedelics. Here we tracked individual-specific brain changes with longitudinal precision functional mapping (roughly 18 magnetic resonance imaging visits per participant). Healthy adults were tracked before, during and for 3 weeks after high-dose psilocybin (25 mg) and methylphenidate (40 mg), and brought back for an additional psilocybin dose 6–12 months later. Psilocybin massively disrupted functional connectivity (FC) in cortex and subcortex, acutely causing more than threefold greater change than methylphenidate. These FC changes were driven by brain desynchronization across spatial scales (areal, global), which dissolved network distinctions by reducing correlations within and anticorrelations between networks. Psilocybin-driven FC changes were strongest in the default mode network, which is connected to the anterior hippocampus and is thought to create our sense of space, time and self. Individual differences in FC changes were strongly linked to the subjective psychedelic experience. Performing a perceptual task reduced psilocybin- driven FC changes. Psilocybin caused persistent decrease in FC between the anterior hippocampus and default mode network, lasting for weeks. Persistent reduction of hippocampal-default mode network connectivity may represent a neuroanatomical and mechanistic correlate of the proplasticity and therapeutic effects of psychedelics.

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Panel Discussion & Q/A 

12:20 - 1:25 PM | Poster Presentations (Dean’s Alley

3:00 - 5:00 PM | Dissociative Psychedelics: Multi-Scale Mechanisms of Action

  • Unlocking the therapeutic action of anesthetics with psychedelic effects in neuropsychiatric diseases by imaging into the intact living rodent brain

    1. To understand that NMDA-antagonist anesthetics are revolutionizing the treatment of treatment-resistant neuropsychiatric diseases
    2. Introduction to state-of-art imaging methods to capture neurophysiology in real time during drug therapies at the level of single neurons and synapses
    3. To be able to appreciate that ketamine and nitrous oxide engages novel molecular and circuit mechanisms to drive its antidepressant effects.

  • Ketamine: From the molecular level to the bedside and beyond

    Ketamine, long used in clinical medicine for its anesthetic and analgesic properties, has in recent years come into use as a potent antidepressant. I will present an overview of ketamine's uses for patients today, combined with a discussion of its molecular interactions, and what remains to be learned about this fascinating and useful drug.

  • VR models of death & psychedelics: A ‘Numadelic’ design paradigm

    Going back to the 1960s work of Walter Pahnke, psychedelics have shown a remarkable ability to reduce the anxiety that people associate with death. Some researchers have proposed that the efficacy of psychedelics in this domain arises from the fact that they closely model the near-death experience (NDE). (1) Addressing the anxiety associated with death is becoming an important issue, given aging populations in most developed countries and an increasing number of people consequently facing life-threatening illnesses (LTIs).

    In recent work, we showed how a so-called ‘numadelic’ aesthetic implemented within virtual reality (VR) could be used to design experiences which elicit psychometric scores comparable to moderate doses of psychedelics. (2) Like psychedelics, numadelic VR can help dissolve conventional spatio-temporal conceptual distinctions, and foster a corresponding sense of connectedness and unity. Given the ability of numadelic VR to model some aspects of psychedelics, we recently set out to address the following question: Can numadelic VR achieve comparable results as psychedelics in helping to reduce fear, depression, anxiety, and loneliness often experienced by those facing LTIs? (3) In this presentation, I will discuss efforts to design a numadelic VR program called ‘Clear Light’ which enables those facing LTIs to come together in VR and contemplate the possibility that awareness is not limited to the physical body. I will present initial results which suggest that numadelic VR may have an efficacy comparable to psychedelics, and outline future research plans to further develop this work in collaboration with networks of palliative care specialists and death doulas.

Track B | B01 Auditorium 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Ethics & Philosophy

  • Join Joanna Kempner and Dominic Sisti for a wide-ranging discussion about the ethical and epistemological considerations essential for academics conducting research with communities engaged in the use of illicit drugs. This discussion will explore researchers' responsibilities to respect the autonomy, safety, and knowledge contributions of these communities while ensuring vulnerable populations are not exploited.

  • The Wild West of Ketamine

    Many ethical issues arise in the wild west of ketamine for mental health. Does ketamine belong in a medical clinical setting? Is treatment resistant depression the only diagnosis that benefits from ketamine? Is telehealth ketamine safe? Which practitioners are best suited to deliver ketamine effectively and safely? Is marketing an addictive substance like ketamine ethical? The spectrum of ketamine practitioners and philosophies vary wildly. Some patients are aiming for a peak spiritual experience with a psychotherapist at home. Other patients are being given IV ketamine in a fluorescent lit room while watching TV. The strange and varied ketamine landscape contains rich tensions underlining an important paradigm shift in mental health treatment.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Panel Discussion & Q/A

  • Rescheduling Cannabis

12:20 - 1:25 PM | Poster Presentations (Dean’s Alley)

3:00 - 5:00 PM | Ontology & Metaphysics

  • Pantheism and Psychedelics

    I will be speaking about the relations between Pantheism (All is God/Mind) in relation to certain psychedelic experiences. Some examples of psychedelic-induced pantheistic experiences will be given, before we move on to the history and philosophy of Pantheism itself, asking what it is (with a focus on Spinoza and A. N. Whitehead) – a radical yet rational doctrine. I aim to finish with a show of practical applications of the understanding of modern Pantheism in psychedelic research and beyond.

  • Coloring Outside the Lines: Psychedelics and Transgressing the Borders of the Patriarchal Paradigm

    As interest in the healing potential of psychedelics resurges in the West, so too emerge a series of questions about the medicalized frameworks within which psychedelic work is potentiated. The patriarchal paradigm that is the foundation of the medical-industrial complex, while widely accepted, comes with a series of reality constructs that perpetuate great harm via systemic oppression, the dismemberment of matter and spirit, and the desecration of the natural world. Psychedelics have the potential to disrupt the beliefs that underpin these issues. This revelatory quality, though, can be dangerous: the rending of our fundamental assumptions about the real can send us into profoundly challenging states of consciousness. Yet this power also contains great possibility: in making visible the patriarchal illusions that underscore what we consider “the real”, psychedelics can serve us in the unwinding of internalized oppression.

    But, then what? If reality is not what patriarchy says it is, what is it? What paradigms support and give rise to individual and collective liberation? Nondual orientations are one such framework, holding that all of life is fundamentally interconnected. By considering “the real” through a nondual lens, the mythopoetic possibilities of reality are integrated through a somatic ground. Nonduality illuminates the necessity of cultivating cognitive liberty as a practice of activism and creativity as a gateway to freedom.

  • Beyond Physicalism– Looking at the World with Fresh Eyes

    The dominant metaphysical belief in Science, the Academe and Big Tech is physicalism, the thesis that at rock-bottom everything is reducible to observer-independent quantities and interactions among them, such as mass, spin etc. Physicalism goes together with a systematic devaluation of first-person subjective experiences. This denigration of the reality of experience has profound consequences, such as the contemporary society-wide anomie and crisis of meaninglessness.

    However, two challenges threaten physicalism, although this has gone largely unnoticed. Firstly, physicalism has failed to explain how consciousness emerges from mechanisms (i.e., the explanatory gap or the Hard Problem). Instead, much of modern analytic philosophy has argued that people are confused about their subjective experiences and that these do not exist in any meaningful manner (illusionism). Yet consciousness refuses to be cancelled. Secondly, defining the physical has become challenging with the rise of quantum mechanics. A primary characteristic of physical quantities is that they have definite values that do not depend on any observer. Furthermore, reality is assumed to be local, such that only nearby events can influence each other. Both precepts are now being rejected by many physicists (entangled EPR pairs). Defining physicalism with respect to a future physics is meaningless (Hempel’s dilemma) as we do not know the status of such a future physics; furthermore, it might subsume the mental as a fundamental constituent.

    A third source of unease with physicalism derives from the existence of extra-ordinary spiritual experiences – whether religious-conversion experiences, near-death experiences or mystical experiences during high-doses of classical psychedelics – from which subjects return which deeply held panpsychic, pantheistic, or idealistic views of reality need to be explained. This poses the question of the epistemological validity of such metaphysical insights (noetic quality), based on experiences subjects routinely describe as among the most meaningful in their lives. This physicalist trilemma suggests that contemporary scholars and scientists should consider older metaphysical views of reality, in particular forms of panpsychism and idealism, including those compatible with IIT. None of these deny the external world, the evolution of this world subject to causal powers entirely within the world (naturalism), nor the validity of the scientific method

  • Critical Psychedelic Studies and the Foundations of a New Psychedelic Field

6:00 - 6:10 PM | Closing Remarks 

Sunday, October 6th - Day 4

Full Day Overview

7:30 - 8:45 AM | Registration & Badge Pickup 

8:45 - 9:45 AM | Keynote Panel: Penn Psychedelics Collaborative 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Seminars & Panel Discussions

12:00 - 1:30 PM | Lunch Break

1:30 - 3:20 PM | Seminars & Panel Discussions

3:30 - 4:20 PM | Keynote Speaker: Brian Muraresku, JD 

4:20 - 4:30 PM | Closing Remarks

4:30 - 7:30 PM | Healing Circle with Hapeh Medicine - Cobbs Creek Park  

Track A | Lower Gallery 

8:45 - 9:45 AM | Keynote Panel: Penn Psychedelics Collaborative 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | History, Sociology & Anthropology 

  • A Historical Perspective on Sexual Misconduct in Psychedelic Therapy

    In 1854, Stephen T. Beale, a prominent Philadelphia dentist, was convicted of sexually assaulting one of his patients while she was under the effects of anesthesia. Many of Beale’s fellow dentists were outraged by the decision and waged a concerted campaign to exonerate him. This talk argues that the uproar the case caused amongst dentists was closely related to efforts to legitimate dentistry as a subspeciality of medicine during the era when the first dental schools and professional organizations were being formed. It explores how dentists argued Beale’s accuser had hallucinated her rape to delegitimize her claims and save the reputation of their profession. The second part of the talk takes a patient-centered approach that critically evaluates dentists’ tacit claim that since the rape was the product of a hallucination, it was essentially unproblematic. Through taking this position, Beale’s supporters ignored that the survivor’s experience of rape, regardless of its origins, was a traumatic experience that deeply affected the course of her life. The talk will close by relating the Beale case to ongoing concerns about sexual misconduct in contemporary psychedelic therapy. Recent discussions of therapist misconduct have largely ignored the possibility that patient experiences of sexual violence during therapy may be delegitimized through their attribution to the hallucinatory effects of psychedelics. I will suggest researchers need to develop protocols to address such cases aimed at ensuring that psychedelic therapy is safe for both patients and their therapists.

  • Not the Mothers, but the Chemicals: Abram Hoffer's Adrenochrome Theory of Infantile Autism

    In the early 1960s, a handful of psychiatric researchers in the US considered whether LSD could help autistic children make connections with other people. While many members of the psychedelic community know that these studies happened, historians have not examined them in any detail. Many histories of autism tell the story of Bernard Rimland, the so-called "father of modern autism research" who in the 1960s challenged the prevailing psychoanalytic view that autism was a subtype of schizophrenia caused by inadequate mothering. However, these histories miss the fact that Rimland was initially interested in LSD as a potential tool for treating and understanding autism. This presentation examines Rimland's collaboration with the Canadian biochemist Abram Hoffer, a leading expert on hallucinogenic drugs and schizophrenia. In Hoffer’s work, these two topics were deeply connected through the adrenochrome hypothesis, a theory of schizophrenia which posited that an error in adrenaline metabolism led to the production of a hallucinogen-like substance in the body. After Rimland reached out to Hoffer to ask for his opinion on the use of LSD for treating autism, Rimland and Hoffer became close friends and allies in the fight against psychogenic theories of autism. Hoffer proposed an adrenchrome theory of infantile autism, which Rimland used to argue that autism could be explained biochemically. Examining this case adds to historical understandings of autism and psychedelics by revealing how psychedelics were interwined with autism research in the early 1960s.

  • Cannabis Use from Past to Present: Lessons on intentional practice, and overlaps with psychedelia

    To understand Cannabis, one must first begin with understanding its roots as an enduring cultural symbol. Cannabis has been invariably intertwined with world economy, culture, agriculture, health, law, and religion since humans began utilizing it at least 12,000 years ago. Originating in China, Cannabis’ progression into a worldwide phenomenon closely mirrored the patterns of human trade through Asia into the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, eventually finding its way into America. Traditional human use of cannabis began with its utilization as a fiber, a sacrament in religious practice, and a medicine known to provide relief from a variety of illnesses. Just as Cannabis’ capacity to alter human nature has been revered, it has also been repressed, trends in perspective being dominated by agendas of the political power in a given region at a given time. Today, systematic reform of cannabis prohibition is steadfast, and use trends range from medical treatment to a substance of abuse. Through acknowledgment of the context this drug has and will continue to exist within, organizations and individuals alike can cultivate a safe community that evades the pitfalls of generations past and instills safe and intentional practice. Finally, harnessing the power created by the similarity of use and prosecution patterns between psychedelia and cannabis can potentiate the reform necessary in these communities' shared world.

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Panel Discussion & Q/A

1:30 - 3:20 PM | Psychology & Phenomenology

  • Contextualizing psychedelic experiences: Adapting Ecological Systems Theory (EST) for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (PAP) Research and Beyond

    Despite growing excitement surrounding psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT), challenges remain in predicting acute drug effects and understanding the role of therapeutic support. This talk introduces an Ecological Systems Theory (EST) framework, adapted from Bronfenbrenner's model, to address these challenges. Current approaches to measuring acute effects and the traditional "set and setting" paradigm may not fully capture the complex interplay of factors influencing psychedelic experiences. EST offers a multi-layered lens, considering individual, interpersonal, and broader contextual factors impacting both participants and facilitators in PAT trials, leading to empirically testable predictions about the influence of context on psychedelic experiences. This framework allows for the development of more comprehensive assessment tools, ultimately enhancing patient safety, improving therapeutic efficacy, and informing training for future clinicians and researchers in psychedelic science. This talk will explore the application of EST to PAT research, highlighting its potential to move the field beyond current limitations, foster a more nuanced understanding of psychedelic experiences, and inspire curiosity to question how we conceptualize and address these challenges.

  • Psychedelics, near-death experiences and the challenge & integration of metaphysical experience

    The near-death experience (NDE) shares phenomenological similarities with psychedelic experiences, such as DMT or ketamine. However, some studies accentuate the important differences in qualitative content. There exist some single reports of those experiencing both psychedelics and NDEs, while one recent survey of those reporting both of these states demonstrated some overlap and difference in certain phenomenological domains, where provisional analyses of the qualitative component of the same survey imply drastic differences in content and potentially greater transformation after NDEs. This comparison could shed light on the underlying mechanisms of NDEs and the potential therapeutic applications of psychedelics in the context of life-changing near-death states. Additionally, in light of some extent of comparability, including their capacity to engender ‘metaphysical’-type experiences with implications for belief, both such profound altered states may present considerable psychological challenges. One thematic analysis of challenging existential & ontological psychedelic experiences, when focusing on the acute experiences, identified the existential themes of Experiences of Death, Experiences of Emptiness, and Experiences of Solipsism, as well as ontological themes aligned with exceptional human experiences (EHEs), such as Entity Encounters, Glimpses into an Afterlife, and indeed - Near-death Experiences. Both NDEs and psychedelically-modelled NDEs, therefore, may be distressing in nature, and so require sufficient integrational infrastructure. Even in these instances, however, there are inspiring opportunities for post-traumatic growth.

  • Being a Philosopher in Psychedelic Research

    Having engaged in more than ten years of psychedelic research as a philosopher – or more exactly, a philosopher of mind and metaphysics – Dr Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes reflects on the current place of Philosophy in a field that is seemingly dominated by therapists, psychologists, neuroscientists, pharmacologists, and neuropsychopharmacologists, and their often-subconscious metaphysical prejudices. Philosophy can offer itself as a bridge between disciplines, such as between science and mysticism, the West and the indigenous, the present and the past – contextualizing the metaphysical, epistemic, and ethical assumptions of the contemporary milieu. Yet this can cast a suspicious eye from those swimming therein – seeing Philosophy as slightly mad (“pan-what?”), elitist (“Lord Bertrand Who?”), unfathomable (“epiphenome-what?”), useless (“questions sans answers”), and/or hazardous (“burn them down”). Peter will argue that Philosophy in Psychedelia is not really any of these things, quite the contrary, with reference to his experiences in creating and teaching university psychedelic courses, working with science colleagues (as a Philosopher in a Psychology department), publishing articles and books (including his forthcoming book with Bloomsbury: The Psychedelic Metaphysics Manual), holding conferences (including Breaking Convention), meeting interesting people, visiting interesting places, and navigating the necessarily-interdisciplinary field that is Psychedelic Research. All of this with the background question: What are the roles of the Philosopher in advancing Psychedelic Research and thus in advancing the world condition.

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM | Panel Discussion & Q/A 

3:30 - 4:20 PM | Keynote Speaker: Brian Muraresku, JD

4:20 - 4:30 PM | Closing Remarks

Track B | B01 Auditorium 

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Special Topics in Psychedelic Studies 

  • Interconnectedness, Emptiness, and Activity: Integrating Spirituality and Psychedelics in Landscape Practice

    The world’s wisdom traditions and the science of ecology point to a living presence and the interconnectedness of all life in the universe. Yet, the contemporary practices of ecological design, restoration ecology, and landscape architecture, professional fields tasked with shaping and stewarding these relationships often produce works that are empty/disembodied from the underlying understandings they draw inspiration from. During this session participants will explore the question - how might we activate landscape practice with a fuller understanding of the world’s wisdom traditions and the science of ecology? Through the lens of the embodied experience of a professional with nearly two decades in the fields of ecological design, landscape architecture, and restoration ecology, this session will present integration pathways that activate landscape practice with wisdom traditions and ecological science including spiritual cross training and entheogenic exercise.

  • PRoMiSS: Psychedelics and the Role of Music in Set and Setting


    Music and psychedelics have been intertwined throughout history, from shamanic rituals to the 1960s counterculture and modern psychedelic-assisted therapy. Despite music being a crucial component of setting, few studies have explored how different types of music influence psychedelic experiences. Research outside the psychedelic field highlights music’s ability to evoke personal insights and support clinical outcomes by connecting people with their past. Since autobiographical content is key to the therapeutic response to psychedelics, music’s potential to evoke memories may unlock its therapeutic power in psychedelic sessions.


    The initial goal is to create an environment—through preparation, music, and intention that will facilitate a therapeutic, inward-focused experience. The subsequent goal will be to translate lessons learned to the context of plant/fungal medicine sessions. The ultimate goal is to understand the interaction(s) of music and plant/fungal medicines in supporting therapeutic processes in clinical populations.


    Study 1 is a non-drug pilot among healthy individuals. Each participant undergoes four music conditions - an individually-tuned, autobiographically salient playlist, the Johns Hopkins Classic playlist, and two of six other conditions. Electroencephalography and psychophysiology are recorded during each session and surveys are administered to assess the acute and enduring effects. Study 2 will be an open-label, between-subjects design with four music conditions where participants receive 25mg of psilocybin.


    Preliminary behavioral results on song data, acute effects, and enduring effects will be presented for the first ~20 participants of the pilot.

  • Indigenous Cosmovision, Spirituality and the Power of Master Plants: the sacredness of Traditional Healing Ceremonies and cultural practices

    Ceremony and Traditional healing are considered sacred by many Indigenous peoples and are an important part of our cultures and traditions. These practices are based on our cosmovision and the understanding that everything in creation has spirit, and that all life is interconnected. All indigenous practices contain millinery wisdom that have been passed down through generations in our communities. As indigenous peoples we are an extension of our Territories, Medicines and ancestral knowledge and we work collectively and have resisted centuries of colonization to protect our ways of life, wisdom and vast biodiversity. It is of utmost importance that non indigenous peoples understand and learn the sacredness of our traditional ways of ceremony and healing, while working on self-healing and participating in healthy conversations with indigenous communities in order to repair harms done by colonization and to begin a safe and respectful interaction with our territories, ancestral knowledge and Master Plants. Indigenous lives matter! The future is ancestral!

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Panel Discussion & Q/A 

  • Unique Challenges in Law Practice in the Psychedelics and Cannabis Industries

    How do attorneys represent a business that is knowingly committing a federal crime? What draws lawyers to these emerging industries? How do they give advice on issues that have never been addressed in the law? Is legal work different in cannabis vs. psychedelics? Prominent attorney David Feldman will discuss these difficult questions as well as the evolution of legal practice in cannabis and psychedelics in the last 10 years.

  • Enforceability and Ethical Issues of Exculpatory Agreements with Controlled Substances

    In the gray area of legality, such as for trip sitters or religious entheogenic ceremony, it remains unclear whether a contract that provides informed consent and waiver of claims would be enforceable. For both providers of these services and attorneys advising on these matters, there are ethical issues that should be prioritized. By disclosing certain information by thoughtfully drafting of a contract with the nuances appropriate for the psychedelic space and risks, such disclosures may actually increase safety, establish standards of care, and improve practices. This presentation will consider strategies for clear informed consent and enforceability, as well as the ethical obligations of all parties, where a contract involves activities with controlled substances, such as psychedelics.

  • A Biotech Perspective on Key Regulatory Issues in the Psychedelics Industry

    Dillan DiNardo, CEO of Mindstate Design Labs, will discuss key regulatory issues shaping the current landscape of the multi-billion dollar FDA, EMA, and DEA-regulated psychedelic drug development industry. This talk will cover practical insights from recent interactions with the federal agencies from Mindstate Design Labs’ drug development and FDA / EMA approval processes as well as the company’s legal action with the DEA that resulted in the agency changing course from scheduling a psychedelic compound for the first time in history. Finally, this talk will cover the psychedelic drug development industry impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s July 2024 decision to overturn the Chevron deference, possibly the most significant regulatory development in U.S. drug policy since the 1970 Controlled Substances Act.

1:30 - 3:20 PM | Law & Public Policy 

3:00 - 3:20 PM | Panel Discussion & Q/A